Mohican Area Community Fund
February 1, 2024
Dear Grant Applicant:
The Mohican Area Community Fund is now accepting applications for our 2025
funding cycle. The submittal deadline is Thursday, March 25, 2024. Applications
received after that date will be returned. There will be no extension.
The MACF trustees will review the applications ad make funding decisions solely
on that basis. I wish to stress that the clarity of your application and the completeness
of information provided will, therefore, be significant in our decision-making process.
Applications should contain the following completed information:
*2025 Grant Application
-Expense/income report
-Verification of 501(c)(3) status
-Additional verification of tax exemption (if applicable)
*The Certification Form
*Relevant material/documentation relating to funding request
*Photos from previously funded projects (if applicable)
This year, applications and required forms may be submitted via email
(MohicanCommunityFund@gmail.com) OR physical copy (plus four) to our Loudonville
Chambers Office mailbox (see address below).
Applications will be received through March 25th. Mohican Area Community Fund members
will review and collaborate on distributions. Applicants will be notified of decisions in June.
MACF will continue collecting funds through the remainder of the year and grants are paid
to recipients in 2025.
We are continuing to seek information and updates of all prior projects or groups who have
received MACF grants in the past. If you have been a prior year recipient, please share with
us how the funding has helped your group, organization, or project. Photographs and
testimonials are always welcome and will be saved for possible use in flyers and promotional
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at any point.
With a Mohican heart,
Michelle D'Amico
MACF Allocations Committee Chair
131 West Main Street
Loudonville, OH. 44842